
P0039 - Paintings - Oil on wood - 1934

The Three-Cornered Hat

L0008 - Books - Etching - 1934

The Balcony

P0014 - Paintings - Oil on canvas - 1934

Sugar bowl with an equestrian theme and men looking at horses

C0013 - Ceramics - Painted ceramics - 1934

The Chief Magistrate Sitting on the Ground

G0174 - Graphic Works - Etching - 1934 

The Chief Magistrate

G0175 - Graphic Works - Etching - 1934 

Uncle Lucas Dressed as the Chief Magistrate

G0176 - Graphic Works - Etching - 1934 

Frasquita, Juan López and Toñuelo on the Way to the Mill

G0177 - Graphic Works - Etching - 1934 

The Chief Magistrate’s Clothes on a Chair

G0178 - Graphic Works - Etching - 1934 

The Chief Magistrate and Two Canons on the Way to the Town Hall

G0179 - Graphic Works - Etching - 1934