Provenance's Index

  • Catalan Government holdings – from the Riera collection – 1995 – added 2004
  • Plandiura de Salvadó collection
  • Miquel Regàs' bequest – 1966
  • Catalan Government holdings – from the Riera collection – 1995 – added 2004; before Rafael Benet collection
  • Drawing room – Lluís Plandiura's house – 6 Carrer de Ribera – Barcelona
  • MNAC acquisition – 1964
  • Donated by Merce Fabregat – 2013
  • J. A. Bertrand collection
  • Joan Ainaud de Lasarte bequest – 1967
  • J. Llongueras collection
  • Miró collection
  • Mr and Mrs Guarro's terrace House – Sarrià? Barcelona
  • A. Trias Maxencs collection
  • J. Viñolas collection
  • Cèsar Martinell collection (drawing of and sketch of men carrying a barrel)
  • Dr. Celis' widow's collection
  • Miquel Regas bequest – 1966
  • Catalan Government holdings. Salvador Riera collection – 1996
  • Private collection – Barcelona
  • Fontbona-Ventosa family (a result of the friendship between Nogués and Emili Fontbona)
  • M. Font Aleu collection
  • Francesc Pujols collection
  • Museum acquisition – 1961
  • C. Arderiu de Riba collection
  • Isabel Escalada’s bequest – 1968
  • MNAC acquisition – 1947
  • Widow of J. Roure's antique collection
  • Museum acquisition – 1961
  • MNAC acquisition – 1932
  • Widow of J. Roure's antiques collection
  • Added to MNAC holdings – 1933
  • Isabel Escalada's bequest – 1969
  • Subarna’s Auction – Barcelona – 5/10/2023 – lot no. 656
  • MNAC acquisition – 1933
  • Santiago Espona’s bequest – 1958
  • Plandiura collection until 1956; Ensesa collection until 1981; Argullol collection until 1998
  • Toldrà's widow's collection
  • MNAC acquisition – 1947
  • Acquisition from the Plandiura collection – 1932
  • Museum adquisition – 1967
  • Trias Maxencs antique collection; Widow Toldrà collection
  • Isabel Escalada's bequest – 1968
  • On permanent loan from Joan Ainaud Lasarte – 1969
  • Catalan Government holdings – from the Riera collection – 1995 – added 2002
  • Carrer de Morabos – on the corner of Carrer Montfart – Montjuïc – Barcelona
  • MNAC acquisition – 1967