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Ref Num.: L0007
Barcelona, MNAC, Biblioteca
It is one of the key works of Catalan graphic humor of the 20th century. Xavier Nogués mocks certain attitudes and behaviors of characteristic and peculiar characters, between pathetic and tender, through external or more visible elements of the human figure: clothing, beards, hairstyles, noses… He exaggerates them and distorts them by creating the caricature, highlighting flaws and virtues more vividly than a portrait. With humor, but also with a cultured and refined tone, his dolls are full of life, wiggle, stare, stretch and run and are halfway between what they are between realism and expressionism.
The author of the prologue, Ramon Reventós, makes a sharp dissection of the themes that the cartoonist touches on (such as the seven deadly sins) and the characters that he recreates (often from the wealthy classes).
Preface by Ramon Reventós. Illustrations by Xavier Nogués. Salvat-Papasseit Llibreters, Barcelona, 1922, 1st edition. 5 sheets. + 50 illustrations by Nogués.
Isabel Escalada’s bequest, 1969
J. Barbeta, A. Casanovas, M. Gil and C. Vidal, Exposición Xavier Nogués, Barcelona 1873-1941, Palacio de la Virreina, March -April 1967, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Museos de Arte, Barcelona, 1967, cat. no. 1.412, p. 111. Joan M. Minguet Batllori, Alliberar Xavier Nogués, exhibition catalogue , Palau Antiguitats, Barcelona, April-July 2022, no. 63.