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Fragment of a mural “Galeries Laietanes”
Ref Num.: P0085
Date: 1915
Typology: Painting
Technique: Tempera transferred to canvas
Dimensions: 102.2 x 59.5 cm
Signed: Unsigned and undated
Barcelona, Palau de la Virreina, Institut de Cultura
The Galeries Laietanes had a basement café, El Celler, where members of the noucentista group met. The owner Santiago Segura commissioned Xavier Nogués to paint the murals for the café. They were on a wine-related theme and were later removed by the restorer Ramon Gudiol. The series, which consists of 38 fragments, comprises almost all the murals, except for the large blue panel that was the centrepiece of the main room and some smaller fragments. They are now found in different collections. Caricature of a man in a big top hat with a bottle under an arch. This painting is owned by the MNAC (no. 42.438) and has been on permanent loan to the Palau de la Virreina – Institut de Cultura since 1991.
Images of works from the museum’s collection, courtesy of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya.
MNAC acquisition, 1947
Francesc Pujols, “Xavier Nogués”, La Revista, Barcelona, 1917, vol. III. Romà Jori, “La Cava de les Galeries d’Art Modern i Antiguitats”, Vell i Nou, Barcelona, 15/9/1915, 9; 15/12/1915, 39. Romà Jori, “Les caves: decoracions d’en Nogués”, Vell i Nou, Barcelona, 15/12/1916, 39, pp. 312-314. Joan Sacs, Xavier Nogués, Col·lecció Quaderns Blaus, Llibreria Catalònia, La nostra gent, Barcelona, 1928. Joan Teixidor, Notas para un inventario de la obra de Xavier Nogués, Anales y Boletín de los Museos de Arte de Barcelona, Arte Moderno, vol. 3, 1945, III. 1, p. 12. Pinturas para El Celler por Xavier Nogués, exhibition catalogue, Barcelona, 1947. Rafael Benet, Xavier Nogués, caricaturista y pintor, Ediciones Omega, Barcelona, 1949, p. 92, J. Cortés. El “Celler de les Galeries Layetanes” en el Museo de Arte Moderno, Anales y Boletín de los Museos de Arte de Barcelona, vol. IX, 1951, pp. 159-169. Xavier Nogués. Pintures murals procedents del Celler de les Galeries Laietanes, exhibition catalogue, Barcelona, Museu d’Art Modern, 1984, p. 41, cat. no. 35, fig. Catàleg de pintura segles XIX i XX. Fons del Museu d’Art Modern, 2 vol., Barcelona, 1987, II, p. 730, cat. no. 1842-35, fig.