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With the support of:

©Sofia Isus Ventura


Man with an umbrella (Barcelona gentleman). Smaller version

Ref Num.: C0096


Date: 1935

Typology: Ceramics

Technique: Glazed ceramic (White porcelain)

Dimensions: 14.5 x 7 x 4 cm

Signed: Unsigned and undated


Granyer family


Glazed white porcelain figurine made by Josep Granyer from a drawing by Xavier Nogués. There seems to have been an initial version made of earthenware which was used to produce moulds to make subsequent, slightly different versions in porcelain. Unsuccessful test piece that is smaller than the others that are part of the pair Barcelona couple (c. 1935). This figurine belongs to the Granyer family.

We would like to thank Dr Sofía Isus Ventura for her permission to use a photograph of this piece.


Granyer family



Rafael Benet, Xavier Nogués, caricaturista y pintor, Ediciones Omega, Barcelona, 1949, p.  64. A. del Castillo, Diario de Barcelona, 13th February 1953, Barcelona, p.  6. Cirici and R. Manent, Ceràmica catalana, Destino, Barcelona, 1977, p.  434. M. Blanch, 4 escultors del 99, catalogue, Caixa d’Estalvis i Mont de Pietat, Barcelona, March 1979, p.  15. S. Espriu, Sobre Xavier Nogués i la seva circumstància, Edicions 62, Barcelona, 1982, p.  107. M. A. Casanovas, La ceràmica catalana, La llar del llibre / Els llibres de la Frontera, Barcelona, 1983, p.  74. Pla Subias, Cerámica española, Summa Artis, Madrid, Vol. XLII, 1997, p.  549. Javier Arnaldo, Josep Granyer, catalogue, Fundació Apel·les Fenosa, El Vendrell, 18th December 2005 / 28th February 2006, p.  9. Sofia Isus Ventura, L’escultor Josep Granyer i Giralt, online doctoral thesis, Barcelona University, 2011, p.  298, file  35.2.6.


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