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Tarragona, view of the cathedral (sketch Casa Plandiura)
Ref Num.: P0100
Date: 1926
Typology: Painting
Technique: Oil on board
Dimensions: 15.5 x 21 cm
Signed: “Nogués / 1926” bottom, right
Vilanova i la Geltrú, Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer, no. 1.716
This painting was added to the museum’s holdings on 1st January 1956. It is part of the mysteriously titled collection “Legacy 56”, which was once owned by the collector, industrialist and patron of the arts Lluís Plandiura. It was one of a number of works he gave to Victòria González, a close female friend of his, and its provenance remained unknown for years. Image rights: Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer.
“Llegat 1956”
“Rafael Benet, Xavier Nogués. Caricaturista y pintor, Ediciones Omega, Barcelona, 1949, p. 90, no. 17. Legado 1956, Biblioteca Museu Victor Balaguer, Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1957, no. 153. J. Barbeta, A. Casanovas, M. Gil and C. Vidal, Exposición Xavier Nogués, Barcelona 1873-1941, Palacio de la Virreina, March-April 1967, Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, Museos de Arte, Barcelona, 1967, cat. no. 21, p. 16. Alsina, Esther: “El “Llegat 1956”: petites finestres per a un gran segle d’art”, Revista de Catalunya, no. 255 (November 2009), pp. 53-76. Alsina Galofré, Esther, “Una gran època artística rau en una col·lecció: El
“‘Llegat 1956’”, Butlletí de la Biblioteca Museu Balaguer, 2010, no. 3, pp. 63-70.”